Scent Hotel Amenities was born in 2004. Scent Hotel Amenities as an idea was born in an apartment somewhere in Bangkok around the middle of 2004. It had come from the realization that in Myanmar the hospitality industry (hotel & restaurant) had so far been lacking a professional and adequate distribution system.
Although the products offered are for the most fast-rotating items, our idea was not so much to set up a commodity-oriented but rather a service-focused company, not unlike the key concept of friendly & efficient service that the hospitality industry itself should demonstrate day by day.
Things got well under way as of early 2005 when a close alliance with Floral Manufacturing Group was established and Scent Co. Ltd. officially became the sole distributor in Myanmar for their high-quality products consisting mainly of bathroom amenities such as soap, shampoo, bath foam, body lotion, and other standard bathroom accessories.