Scent Hotel Amenities was born in 2004.
Scent Hotel Amenities as an idea was born in an apartment somewhere in Bangkok around the middle of 2004. It had come from the realization that in Myanmar the hospitality industry (hotel & restaurant) had so far been lacking a professional and adequate distribution system.
Although the products offered are for the most fast-rotating items, our idea was not so much to set up a commodity-oriented but rather a service-focused company, not unlike the key concept of friendly & efficient service that the hospitality industry itsel should demonstrate day by day.
Things got well under way as of early 2005 when a close alliance with Floral Manufacturing Group was established and Scent Co. Ltd. officially became the sole distributor in Myanmar for their high-quality products consisting mainly of bathroom amenities such as soap, shampoo, bath foam, body lotion, and other standard bathroom accessories.
The fact that Scent Co. Ltd. has to date been successful and in bathroom amenities has since many years been market leader is a tribute to the relentless applying of the principle of serving our clientele in a spirit of courteous & efficient service with dedication to detail including a daily routine of strict and consistent quality control.
Early 2007 the product lines of bed linen, towels, table- & kitchen ware were for practical reasons separated from the bathroom amenities in a new division called Elite Hotel Supply, which has enjoyed a similar success albeit that it is still vying for the position of market leader in its own product lines.
In 2017, we felt very excited to expand our product portfolio with the globally established and renowned brand 3M. It has an almost incredible inventory of products, application and solutions across many industries and business fields. We feel privileged that Scent has been appointed official representative and distributor for 3M in Myanmar for the commercial solutions for buildings & hospitality sector.
Scent Co. Ltd. keeps expanding the scope of its business and adding to its product lines, but it has not lost out of sight for once that its continued success is closely linked with the continuous support of its loyal customers.
We understand that only together we can make our ambitions come true and, thanking our valued supporters for all those years of loyalty, we vow that we will never compromise our principle of truly serving our client.
With our well-wishes to you, our valued client, and your continued success!